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Start perfect pentru Simone Tempestini in 2019

Vizualizări: 20521

Aboard and the Hyundai i20 R5, the contest car they will use in the WRC, the Cluj drivers have won two of the six special races of the competition where 84 crews were present.

Simone and Sergiu took the lead from the third standings, which they also won and did not give up the first position, and at the end they were counted with 53 minutes, 11 seconds and 50 hundred.

“It’s an excellent start, which gives us confidence in the Rally of Corsica, the first stage in the WRC to take part in this year in only two weeks.” It was an adaptation rally with the new car, we had no problem and we want to continue on the same line , said the triple national rally champion.

Between 28 and 31 March, Tempestini and Itu will compete in Corsica Rally, where there will be another tricolor crew consisting of Raul Badiu and Gabriel Lazar. Both teams are supported by the Romanian Sports Motor Federation.


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